Anchor of Our Lives, God So Loved, Let Me See Jesus, So Faithful
How do you remind yourself of important things you don’t want to forget or neglect?
2 Peter 1:1-11
1Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; 3 seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. 4 For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. 5 Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, 6 and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, 7 and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. 8 For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins. 10 Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; 11 for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you.
2 Peter 1:12-15, 2 Peter 3:1-2
2 Peter 1:1-4, John 17:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 2:10
2 Peter 1:5-6, 2 Peter 3:18, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 2:11-12, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 2:12-13, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 9:27, Hebrews 12:1-2, 1 Timothy 4:7-8, Romans 12:10, 1 John 4:7-8,19, Galatians 5:22-23
2 Peter 1:8-11, 2 Peter 2:20-22, Acts 7:56, 2 Timothy 4:8, Matthew 25:21
Restate the verse in your own words.
Based on this lesson on “EXPERIENCE TRUE SALVATION”, write down your action point to apply what you learned. Make it your “I Will…” statement and follow the S.M.A.R.T guideline to come up with a do-able action point.
“I Will _____________________________”
Who will you share these truths to this week?
Let’s pray for everyone in our family and our friends, even church attendees, to experience true salvation.
Work out your salvation so that people will see the evidence of Christlikeness in you.
Share the gospel with others so that they can experience true salvation possible only through Christ.
I. Thanksgiving
• Worship God for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do in our lives.
II. Country and the World
• Upright and moral governance of public servants; repentance and salvation for government leaders and citizens for a Christ-centered Philippines.
• War in Ukraine to end, loss of lives prevented; tension in the West Philippine Sea to be peacefully resolved.
• Continue to pray for the rest of Israeli hostages to be restored back to their families safely. Pray for Israel and the war with terrorists to end according to God’s purpose and for His glory.
• For the civil war in Syria to end peacefully, protection for Christians and other minorities; that there will be freedom from oppression for Syrians. Pray for the gospel to spread rapidly throughout the country.
III. Church
• That CCF Members would honor and love God and make disciples.
• Elders, pastors, dleaders, and families (holy, humble, harmonious, happy, heart-working).
• Ministries and churches expansion worldwide.
IV. CCF Facilities
• Worship and Training Center
• Prayer Mountain
V. Personal Concerns
• Deeper intimate relationship with God.
• Righteous living.
• Salvation of family and friends.
1 Peter 1:10-11
10 Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; 11 for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you.