First, I would like to appreciate and thank Jesus for all of you for persevering and remaining faithful to the Lord as you shepherd your own discipleship groups. Praise God!
Recently, I have been communicating from the pulpit how the 360-degree feedback helps CCF when it comes to gauging and improving the spiritual health of the pastors and staff. We would now like to implement the 360-degree feedback for all our Dgroup leaders. This will provide each Dleader an opportunity to receive feedback from their family, upline Dleader, co-Dmembers and downline Dmembers about areas in their life where they are doing well and where they can improve.
Beloved Dleaders, we value you as part of the body of Christ and this is an opportunity for you to exemplify humility and Christlikeness. Through this process, we can continuously guide you in your walk with the Lord and help you with your leadership. My desire is that all of us will persevere as we all fulfill God’s mission and vision through His church.
I pray that as we go through this exercise, we will be quick to hear, slow to speak, humble, and willing to improve, knowing that a family member as well as brothers or sisters in Christ are giving you feedback out of love.
May our ears be open to life-giving feedback that will glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God bless us all!
In Christ,
Dr. Peter Tan-Chi
Senior Pastor, Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Part of helping the Dleaders who belong to your Dgroup grow in their spiritual walk with Jesus is by sharing constructive feedback through meaningful conversations with them. As you discuss the content of your downline’s 360 Evaluation, may you bear in mind Ephesians 4:29 which reminds us to let no unwholesome words proceed from our mouths, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment.
Let us practice this while also bearing in mind our discipleship covenant, the foremost of which is confidentiality. We beseech you to keep this feedback confidential between you and your downline, and may the Lord be glorified in your meaningful conversation with each other.
Hello Dgroup Leader!
To assist you in the 360-Degree Feedback process, please see instructions:
1. Copy and paste the message template provided below to your messaging apps. The link to 360 online feedback form will be part of the message template below.
2. To avoid report inaccuracies, please make sure to fill in the template with your complete name (including middle initial), mobile number and area pastor / satellite pastor.
3. You may also add a personal touch by adding a message depending on who you will send the link to.
4. Dleaders are encouraged to send the form to the ff:
Dear __________ ,
Thank you for continuously being with me in our Discipleship Journey. In reference to the letter of the Senior Pastor (https://go.ccf.org.ph/OSP360), I humbly seek your feedback on how I’m doing on the following from January to September 2023:
Part 1: CCF’s Biblical Core Values, L-O-V-E: Love God and Others, Obey God’s Word and Appointed Authorities, Volunteer and Engage the Family and;
Part 2: Positive Observations and Improvement Recommendations
In the link provided, please specify the ff information:
Dela Cruz
Jose Mari
Kindly accomplish the 360 Feedback Form via this link (https://go.ccf.org.ph/360FormMain) from October 1 to November 20, 2023.
Please let me know once you’ve answered the form. Thank you!
Dear __________ ,
It is my desire to improve in loving God and others as I continue my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. I humbly seek your feedback on how I’m doing on the following from January to September 2023:
Part 1: CCF’s Biblical Core Values, L-O-V-E: Love God and Others, Obey God’s Word and Appointed Authorities, Volunteer and Engage the Family and;
Part 2: Positive Observations and Improvement Recommendations
In the link provided, please specify the ff information:
Dela Cruz
Jose Mari
Kindly accomplish the 360 Feedback Form via this link (https://go.ccf.org.ph/360FormMain) from October 1 to November 20, 2023.
I pray that through your valuable inputs, I will continue to grow in my service and Christlikeness. Thank you!
Dear __________ ,
Thank you for continuously being with me in our Discipleship Journey. In reference to the letter of the Senior Pastor (https://go.ccf.org.ph/OSP360), I humbly seek your feedback on how I’m doing on the following from January to September 2023:
Part 1: CCF’s Biblical Core Values, L-O-V-E: Love God and Others, Obey God’s Word and Appointed Authorities, Volunteer and Engage the Family and;
Part 2: Positive Observations and Improvement Recommendations
In the link provided, please specify the ff information:
Dela Cruz
Jose Mari
Kindly accomplish the 360 Feedback Form via this link (https://go.ccf.org.ph/360FormNCP) from October 1 to November 20, 2023.
Please let me know once you’ve answered the form. Thank you!
Dear __________ ,
It is my desire to improve in loving God and others as I continue my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. I humbly seek your feedback on how I’m doing on the following from January to September 2023:
Part 1: CCF’s Biblical Core Values, L-O-V-E: Love God and Others, Obey God’s Word and Appointed Authorities, Volunteer and Engage the Family and;
Part 2: Positive Observations and Improvement Recommendations
In the link provided, please specify the ff information:
Dela Cruz
Jose Mari
Kindly accomplish the 360 Feedback Form via this link (https://go.ccf.org.ph/360FormMain) from October 1 to November 20, 2023.
I pray that through your valuable inputs, I will continue to grow in my service and Christlikeness. Thank you!
1. What are the important dates to remember?
Period of Feedback Coverage: January – September 2023
Start of 360 Degree Feedback Collection: October 1
End of 360 Degree Feedback Collection: October 31
Data Processing (c/o CCF): November 1 to 15
Sending of Report to Upline Dleaders (c/o CCF): November 16 to 30
Meaningful Conversations (MC) Session with Upline Dleaders: December 1 to 31
Sending of Completion Confirmation (Link will be sent where DLeader shall confirm if the MC is done): January 1 to 15
2.Since the Dleaders will distribute the forms to their feedback-givers, is there a minimum number of feedback-givers?
We encourage all Dleaders to send out the 360° Feedback form to the following:
a. Dleader (upline)
b. Family – all family members who are able to evaluate you
c. Dmembers – all your Dmembers (immediate downline only)
d. Peer/Co-Dmembers – we encourage sending it to all your Co-Dmembers
As shared by Ptr. Peter during the DLA, we discourage that you “pick-and-choose” those who will give feedback.
3. How can the person receiving feedback ensure the confidentiality of the data being collected? To whom and how will the feedback be sent?
To ensure confidentiality, all responses shall go directly to the CCF Centralized Reporting System and will be processed by the CCF 360° Technical Committee. The names of the feedback-givers will be redacted during processing and subsequently withheld in the report. The Individual 360° Feedback Reports of the Dleader downline will be sent directly to the Dleader upline, while a summary of results will be sent to the Area/Satellite Pastor.
4. What is a Meaningful Conversation?
It is the process where the Dleader upline shall engage the Dleader downline in a conversation to discuss the 360° Feedback results, pray for discernment, and plan for improvement. See video here: https://go.ccf.org.ph/360MeaningfulConversations
5. If one of our co-Dleaders did not receive an email, do we forward the email to them containing the templates and links?
Yes, you may do so. Please also encourage and/or assist your co-Dleader to register in the SG App and Commitment Card to receive future CCF announcements for Dleaders. You may register and apply for the Commitment Card here: https://smallgroups.ccf.org.ph/register/
6. Is there a Filipino/Tagalog version of the form? Is there a manual form? / Can we accomplish a hard copy and let the Dgroup Management team encode?
There is no Filipino/Tagalog version, or a hard copy of the form. We encourage you take this opportunity to serve one another. You may seek support from your trusted family member or Co-Dmember to assist you in understanding and accomplishing the available English online version.
7. Can we request specific names of feedback-givers? / Will we see the names of those who gave feedback?
We promised the evaluators that their names will remain confidential, so the answer is no.
8. What if the Dleader does not give consent and did not distribute the forms?
This is an opportunity for the Pastor/Dleader upline to seek understanding, coach, and mentor the Dleader until the latter appreciates the purpose for conducting the 360° Feedback. If, after these, they still decide not to participate, we will not force them to do so. This is voluntary participation for Dleaders. As described in our consent and privacy policy forms, the feedback relating to the Dleader who will not give their consent will then be deleted from the system and not be subject to processing.
9.If the Dmember is not a CCF attendee, can he/she be given a link to the feedback form?
Yes. Family and Dmembers who are not CCF attendees may also complete the form and give feedback.
10. Can the one being given feedback see the forms during the meaningful discussion?
Your Upline Dleader will show you the 360o Feedback summary, not the actual forms, during your meaningful conversation. The summary is presented in such a manner which protects the names of the feedback-givers. Thus, the names of your feedback-givers are not included in the report.
11. How do we go about the evaluation for Dmembers or family members who have no access to email or internet? Can we send a hard copy for those who don’t have internet?
There is no option to incorporate hard copies in the consolidation of the results. Our suggestion is for those with internet and online access to help those who don’t have access so they may access and complete the form. We can also encourage them to find a place where there is WiFi, like a café or a local church.
12. What if the feedback-giver has no email, how can we send the forms?
You may send the message template and 360° form via WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, and other messaging apps.
13. Will there be a Data Privacy FAQ to answer privacy concerns?
They may access this link for data privacy concerns: https://www.ccf.org.ph/360privacy-policy/
14. What will happen if someone accidentally sends the link for CCF Main when he/she is under CCF NCP?
The Main 360° form lists pastoral areas in CCF Main. The NCP 360° form lists CCF Satellites. This will help the data team prepare the summaries per cluster.
Also, the split anticipates the bulk data we will receive. Thus, we separated them to ensure there is enough capacity to receive much feedback.
15. Can I help my family members complete the form?
It will be best to ask someone else in the family to help other family members go through the form to preserve the confidentiality of their feedback.
16. Do family members abroad need to also give evaluation?
If you feel that they can give you meaningful feedback, please do so. Perhaps your interaction with them, whether online or through other forms of technology, can still be a basis for feedback.
17. Is there a minimum age? Can kids give feedback?
We have not set a limit on the age of those giving feedback. If you feel they can already give meaningful feedback and they can access and accomplish the form (independently or with the help of other family members), you may ask for their feedback.
18. Is there a way to know if the people I sent the evaluation already evaluated me?
Part of the instruction email states: “Kindly accomplish the 360° Feedback Form… Please let me know once you’ve answered the form.”
You are encouraged to personally follow up on the submission of your feedback-givers.
19. Do we have a biblical support for the 360° Feedback exercise? Doesn’t it go against what Matthew 18:15-17 teaches which is to go directly to our brothers/sisters to point out their sin against us? Are we not unconsciously encouraging them to gossip?
Proverbs 27:17 commands us to help sharpen one another; while Hebrews 10:24 encourages us to spur one another towards love and good deeds.
It might help to remember that we are not inviting you to list down your complaints or hurts (for these should be dealt with privately and directly as Matthew 18:15-17 commands), but we are encouraging everyone to give feedback to our Dleaders on positive traits pertaining to Christlikeness, which would then equip them to be better servants of God.
20. How will the results be shared?
The 360o Feedback summary will be emailed directly to your Dleader Upline who will then initiate a meaningful conversation with you.