06 Jun Digital Evangelism: Sharing the Gospel through Social Media
Digital Evangelism: Sharing the Gospel through Social Media
On April 28, 2018, GLC, in partnership with yesHEis and Cru, held the Digital Evangelism – an equipping and training module for online evangelism that focused specifically on the use of social media to share the Gospel. There were over 60 participants in attendance, all of whom were challenged to identify at least 10 people they could reach out to and share evangelistic videos with through the yesHEis app.
By the time the 6-hour event ended, a total of 179 Gospel conversations took place, 147 of which were continued outside of the event. Also, amazingly, 32 people accepted Christ into their lives as their Lord and Savior.
Can you imagine what just 6 hours of intentional Gospel sharing can do? For us, as believers who are called to go and make disciples of all nations, it’s an eye opener. Now more than ever, it’s clear that the online space is a mission field and that we are all well within our means to be online missionaries. Think of it this way: technology and social media isn’t just something for us to pass the time or enjoy mindlessly. It’s a platform that has been entrusted to us for responsible use and to spread the Gospel in ways that we never thought were possible before. Social media and the online space, allows us to go where our feet cannot to share the one most beautiful truth there is out there.
The growth of the internet reminds me of Matthew 24:14 which says,
“The good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come.”
We are living in the last days. I am certain of this because the message of the Gospel is spreading like wildfire to every corner of the globe. If there were ever a time to really get serious about telling people about Jesus, now is it. Now is the time! One public post on Facebook about Jesus and what He has done in your life can reach hundreds, thousands or even millions. Truly, the possibilities are endless!
Our mission here in CCF is to make Christ-committed followers who will make Christ-committed followers and it is our privilege to fulfill the Great Commission that God has entrusted to us. If you aren’t confident about sharing Jesus with someone face-to-face, then why not try it online? There are huge opportunities whether you’re part of events like the Digital Evangelism or not. From Skypleship to Chat Ministry, there’s so much that you can be a part of to start sharing your faith with unbelievers. Even the resources are endless with apps like yesHEis that allow you to share Jesus online with just the tap of a button. It doesn’t get any easier than this!
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are offline. But for us, as a church, there are no more excuses. What about you? How can you start filling that gap and need today?
To know more about our online ministries and opportunities to serve, message us on Facebook, chat with us here on the website or send us an email at questions@ccf.org.ph.
Download the yesHeis App here.
To join the next Digital Evangelism event happening on Sept. 29, 2018, register here.
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