27 Mar Joy in God
Joy in God
Romans 5:8-11
When my wife was giving birth to our firstborn, she was in labor for 16 hrs. Contractions would happen every 15 mins at first, and then 10, then 5. These contractions would bring excruciating pain and she would sweat profusely. When the time came for her to deliver the baby, she would scream and bite her lips at the same time push as the level of pain went up 3-4 notches higher.
Amazingly when our baby came, she was so relieved but oh so happy to hold him in her arms. Is seemed like the pain just didn’t
Happen. What joy to finally hold him in her arms.
Love in God
In our verse today, we see the excruciating pain Jesus had to go through just to do the will of His Father.
My God , My God, why have you forsaken me (Matt 26)
God the Father sent His one and only Son to die in our behalf.
God loved us so much that He wants us to reconcile with Him.
Why? Because He wants to extend His friendship with us!
What pleasure, what Joy if we could join Him in heaven.
Imagine His Joy after Jesus paid it in full!
Joy in God
As we celebrate Jesus’ passion and death this week, we meditate on why Jesus did what he did for us.
He was a good Son. He was a loving Son. He was an obedient Son.
For what? All for us ! that His Father would have the Joy knowing that we were now reconciled with Him. Imagine how Excited He is to hold us in His arms, just like a mother seeing her son for the first time. How amazing is that? God was waiting for us, waiting to have that friendship with us.Now that we are without sin, now that we’re cleansed with His Son’s blood.
Great is Jesus’ love for His Father.
Greater still is God the Father’s love for us!
What shall we do with this love from them?
What do we do with this Joy?
Joy is knowing that everything is right with God.
Do we have that spirit in us that tells us that yes, I am right with God. I Have Joy in God. God’s joy is in me.
Heavenly Father, Words could not express the gratitude that We feel knowing that we put you to death because of your Father’s love for us. As we commemorate your passion and death, help us to feel the Joy you have for us. Help us to be deserving of this Joy in you. Help us to be obedient to you and your words so that we will know that we are rift with you, moment by moment.
Thank you, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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