25 May “Volunteering”
In layman’s term, this word means – giving oneself to serve others without any consideration or compensation.
Can you imagine? Serving others for free! In our world today this is not normal. Most people insist on putting a premium to be of service.
In a church context, volunteering is essential. Can you imagine if the pastor did all the work by himself? Volunteers express their gratitude to God for what He has done for them by serving others.
We can serve without loving God, but we cannot love God without serving others. Serving God is serving people.
I heard about a fast-growing church in the US, where its members had a passion of volunteering with a heart of excellence. It opened my eyes to a new perspective.
One of the slogans the church leaders promote is,
“We want our members to wear aprons, not bibs.” Here’s what they meant:
Bibs are for people who only want to be fed.
Bibs are for those who are not yet ready or willing to feed themselves.
Bibs are for those who are more interested in being served than in serving.
Bibs are for those who insist that the church exists for them and their needs.
Bibs are for babes in the faith, those who haven’t caught God’s vision for the church, or those who are not yet of the faith.
Aprons are for those who have a heart to serve others in Jesus’ name.
Aprons are for those who know that they are the church.
Aprons are for those who don’t mind getting their hands dirty.
Aprons are for those who take the time daily to feed their spiritual hunger.
Aprons are for those who are growing in faith, and hunger to help others
A church growth consultant interviewed thousands of Christians in America several years ago and asked them, what they thought the church existed for. 88% said, “The church exists to serve my needs and the needs of my family.” In other words, 88% of Christians are still wearing bibs.
On the night when He was betrayed, just hours before He was crucified, the very Son of God took off His outer garments, wrapped a towel around His waist, and washed His disciples’ feet. When He was done He said,
“I have just given you an example to follow.”
In other words, Jesus called His disciples to wear aprons, not bibs.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is recorded as saying, “For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many.”
He also said, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for Me, you will find it.”
Jesus calls us to wear aprons, not bibs.
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