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    We are looking forward to serving with you!
    To know more about the serving opportunities in ELEVATE, we will be inviting you to an online orientation. Kindly wait for an email invitation.


    For questions and inquiries, you may reach us at

    We praise God for your heart for the youth, and we would love to introduce you to various serving opportunities, including serving as a Campus Missionary! You may sign up for an online orientation by accomplishing the form above, and our team will reach out to you shortly for more details.

    Having a passion for God and young people is a great way to start! As God equips you for His call to disciple the youth, you can work your way towards meeting the following basic criteria:

    1. Get a 4-year college degree;
    2. Be part of CCF by joining a Dgroup and finishing the GLC 1 Training (Learn more);
    3. Become a Dgroup Leader and equip at least one disciple to become a Dgroup Leader;
    4. Be willing to commit to work in the ministry full-time for at least 2 years.

    As you pray to be equipped for campus ministry, our team would love to journey with you through the process. Even if you’re still in the process of meeting these requirements, we highly encourage you to sign up for an online orientation by accomplishing the form above. .

    God equips those He calls. As you continually pray and prepare to apply as a Campus Missionary, you can learn more by being involved in other serving opportunities:

    • ELEVATE GO! is available for anyone who has the desire to disciple the youth. It is a 3-month immersive experience in the mission field, from training to deployment.
    • Volunteering is also a great way to start! You can join various Elevate ministry teams and serve during your free time.

    To know more, sign up for an online orientation by accomplishing the form above.

    Campus Missionaries introduce students to a life-changing relationship with Jesus. They do this by going to schools, sharing the gospel, building relationships, discipling students, and equipping leaders who will share the gospel to their peers themselves. Campus Missionaries go through practical training to learn the ropes of campus ministry prior to being sent out.

    Like Campus Missionaries, Elevate Lay Volunteers dedicate their lives to discipling the youth. The requirements are the same, except that Elevate Lay Volunteers are expected to serve for a minimum of 1 year only. Additionally, Elevate Lay Volunteers are self-supporting, while Campus Missionaries raise support.

    There are countless of ways for you to invest your life in the next generation:

    1. You can disciple students by leading a group of young people and mentoring them.
    2. You can support Elevate in-campus by leading breakout groups for #NotAlone and other campus events.
    3. You can also join any ministry aligned with your spiritual giftedness: music, ushering, live production, marketing, events, dance, or design.

    To know more about the available ministry opportunities, sign up for an online orientation by accomplishing the form above.

    Elevate offers both on-site and remote volunteering opportunities, depending on the project's nature and location. You can choose to volunteer according to your availability.
    To know more about the available ministry opportunities, sign up for an online orientation by accomplishing the form above.


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