24 Jun Know God’s Will and Do It
Many of us desire to know God’s will for our careers, marriages, and some of us, for a general direction in life. But it is one thing to KNOW GOD’s will, and another thing to DO it....
Many of us desire to know God’s will for our careers, marriages, and some of us, for a general direction in life. But it is one thing to KNOW GOD’s will, and another thing to DO it....
Many of us desire to know God’s will for our careers, marriages, and some of us, for a general direction in life. But it is one thing to KNOW GOD’s will, and another thing to DO it....
A lot of Christians don’t have an idea of what we are actually going to do in heaven. When Jesus healed a sick man on a Sabbath in John 5, we see a glimpse of what is happening in heaven. In verse 17 it says,...
Don’t quit! God has called us to finish the race. No matter what happens, we are to persevere for we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!...
Don’t quit! God has called us to finish the race. No matter what happens, we are to persevere for we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!...
How do we respond to the truth? Do we desire to hear it so much that we even beg to have it taught to us? Maybe this scenario is (sadly) unheard of in our time, but in Acts 13:42 we read of people begging that...
How do we respond to the truth? Do we desire to hear it so much that we even beg to have it taught to us? Maybe this scenario is (sadly) unheard of in our time, but in Acts 13:42 we read of people begging that...
As Christians, God has not only called us into a relationship with Him, He also calls us to take active part in building His kingdom. This could be in the form of volunteering, taking part in the work of the church. It wasn’t only the...
Prayer is like a thermometer and a thermostat. If a thermometer measures room temperature, our prayer life measures how we are spiritually. Like a thermostat that adjusts room temperature – if we are feeling spiritually sluggish, praying will adjust our spirituality. Of all the spiritual...
The key to encouraging others to be faithful is the gospel, without it, the encouragement that we can give is temporary at best. But because of the gospel, we can encourage others to be faithful to the Lord with their whole hearts because we know...