25 Jun Flee Immorality
The consistent filling of the Holy Spirit is a vital and indispensable part of the Christian life. As the Spirit fills us, we are equipped to be all that God wants us to be and to do all that He wants us to do....
What is a Spirit-filled life? Are you bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your daily living? Pastor Ricky Sarthou shares that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and are fully surrendered to His control, we manifest love, joy, and peace....
To be a Christian means to be a follower of Christ. But do you really know Who you’re following? In this message, Pastor Ricky Sarthou reveals the heart of who Jesus truly is: Our Savior. Each one of us is guilty of sin and deserves...
When we come to Jesus, our spiritual eyes are opened to the true Light and we no longer live in sin and darkness. And when His Light shines through us, we can share His grace, peace and love with others as well. Are there people in your...