What’s the best decision you’ve made in your life?
Most of us have made lots of wrong decisions in our lives. Find out what’s the best decision you can make today!

What does it mean to be saved?
Understand more about the Gospel of Christ, the assurance of our salvation, the work of the Holy Spirit, and what our new life in Him entails as we grow in our relationship with Him.

Who is the real Jesus?
Learn more about who Jesus is and how, in His death and resurrection, we have been cleansed from our sins and given the gift of eternal life — all in this series that studies the gospel of John.

Where is God in the midst of pain & suffering?
This world is full of pain and suffering that many people have been asking the question, “Where is God in all of this?” Unpack the answer to this resounding question in this GLC Apologetics class featuring Christian apologist, Dan Paterson from the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM).

Feeling lost?
Have you ever felt lost, not knowing where to go? Discover what it means to be found as Dan Paterson of RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries) takes us through God’s answer to this question in this GLC Apologetics class.

Which one is true: Creation or Evolution?
Join Ptr. Peter Tan-Chi, Ptr. Marty Ocaya, and Dr. David Wold in this two-part GLC Apologetics series that delves into an examination of two major world views, Biblical creation and the theory of evolution, and their implications in our lives.

Is the Bible really reliable?
Is there any historical evidence proving the validity of the Bible? Join Dr. Scott Carroll in this special GLC class which explores the archaeological and manuscript evidence supporting the Bible, including the most recent discoveries on the Dead Sea scrolls.