Motivate - Christ's Commission Fellowship
Learn how to influence others for a lasting impact through M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E., our new message series. Build and bridge relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues through our Sunday messages and through these materials that can help you process your learnings together, and start your discipleship group at home, with friends, or with officemates.

This 52-Week Devotional Guide is based on the MOTIVATE book’s eight timeless principles on how to positively influence others for lasting impact. Use this devo guide for your weekly family devotional time and reinforce MOTIVATE’s lessons for every member of the family, young or older!

Learn how to influence others for a lasting impact through M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E., our new message series. Build and bridge relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues through our Sunday messages and through these materials that can help you process your learnings together, and start your discipleship group at home, with friends, or with officemates.
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the M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E.
ebook here!
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of the workbook today!

You can also purchase

the M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E.

book & ebook here!

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Instructional Video



Webinars On Demand

Make an impact no matter what life stage you’re in.
Catch our panel discussions as we tackle further
each M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E. principle per life stage: kids,
youth, singles, women, men, and for families.

Ages 4 – 9

Ages 10 – 12

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Real Life Stories

O.B.E.D.I.E.N.C.E. is the Kids Church series
parallel to M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E. for adults.

Each Bible Video Lesson comes with a one-page Parent’s
to help parents and guardians facilitate the discussion
with their children.

It comes with tips, Bible Story summary, Discussion
Questions for families, and suggested application of the

Parents! You can download materials here:

Bible Lesson Videos are streamed every Saturday at 11am (ages 4-9) and 2pm (ages 10-12)
For questions, message NXTGEN via




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The Principle of Training: Effective Training Results in Obedience and Internalized Values
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6
Chapter Highlights

Proper intentional training results in transformation.

  • Assume responsibility for teaching your children. We may try to delegate this task, but we cannot abdicate this responsibility.
  • Focus on teaching your children to obey and to respect authority. Teach them that there is blessing in obedience.
  • When disciplining your children, set clear rules and be consistent in implementing them.
  • Adjust your style. Be stricter when they are younger then loosen up as they grow older. Discipline includes rewards and consequences.
  • Discipline your children in love. Don’t spank or shout in anger. Do it privately, explaining to your child why they are being spanked. Do not use your hand. Inflict pain but don’t injure. Hug them afterwards and assure them that you love them.



The Principle of Teaching: Intentional lifestyle teaching internalizes values.
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. - Ephesians 6:4
Chapter Highlights

  • Training is only successful when it is internalized and lived out by your children.
  • Train your children to develop strong convictions about their identity, the world, friends, family, and God.
  • Teach them the importance of choosing their friends and future spouses.
  • Teach your children essential truths to equip them to face the challenges of the world.



The Principle of Vision: Vision Gives Direction and Purpose
When there is no vision, the people perish. - Proverbs 29:18
Chapter Highlights

  • Vision gives direction, inspires, and motivates.
  • The grander the Vision, the greater the motivation.
  • Our choices have consequences. We are free to choose, but we cannot escape the consequences of our choices.
  • Your children’s Vision must impact their present choices.
  • Cast God’s vision for their lives, which is to do their best and glorify Him in all that they do, so that they may hear Jesus say to them, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”



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The Principle of Modeling: CHILDREN COPY US
Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ. - 1 Corinthians 11:1
Chapter Highlights
The purpose of Modeling is to impact the heart. Our children’s behavior is external, it is the fruit. The heart is internal, it is the root. Only by influencing the heart will we see lasting change take place.

  • Children copy us whether we like it or not. We must model what we want our children to be, because they will become what we are.
  • Values are more caught than taught. Who we are and what we do are far more effective in influencing our children than wat we say.
  • Modeling is not about perfection but authenticity. Being authentic means, you model humility by apologizing and asking for forgiveness when you make mistakes.
  • Children develop spiritual apathy when they live with hypocritical parents. Apply the “One-Man Principle.” Who you are outside your home should be consistent with who you are inside your home.
  • We are to model Christlike character to our children. They should see Christ in the way we respond and interact with one another. Parents should model their God-given role in the family.



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Open Communication

The Principle of Open Communication: Open Communication Opens Your Child’s Heart
But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger... - James 1:19
Chapter Highlights
The more you communicate, the more you will understand. The more you understand, the greater will be your influence.

  • Open communication opens your child’s heart. The key to open communication is listening.
  • Listen to verbal cues and watch also for non-verbal cues to understand the emotions and heart of your child.
  • Be available. Give your children your full attention when they are talking to you.
  • Interact. Share stories from your own experience and ask your kids how you can pray for them.
  • Do not react. Ask open ended questions, and seek first to understand before you want to be understood.



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The Principle of Time: The more you spend time, the greater the influence
And (Jesus) appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out to preach. - Mark 3:14
Chapter Highlights

  • For your children, love is spelled T-I-M-E.
  • Most people have misconceptions about spending time with family and loved ones. Here are those myths:
    • Myth of Quality Time vs Quantity Time – spending quality time with loved ones should also involve quantity time
    • Myth of Things vs Time – things can never be a substitute to the time we spend with the people we love.
    • Myth of Tomorrow Time vs Today Time – tomorrow is never promised to anybody. We must not put off spending time with family
    • Myth of No Time – we don’t have time for everything but we have time to what is important.
  • “Magic Moments” are times when your children open up to you. Seize these moments. They cannot be forced.
  • Be intentional. Prioritize time with your children. The more time you spend together, the greater the probability of “Magic Moments.”
  • Create memorable moments. Spend time doing things that your children enjoy, not only the things you like.
  • Time is an investment. The more time you spend with your children, the deeper your relationship will grow. The deeper the relationship, the greater will be your influence.



The Principle of Intimacy: The Closer the Relationship, The Greater the Influence
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33
Chapter Highlights

  • The quality of relationship with your children determines the weight of your influence on them.
  • The closer you are to your children, the less they will be influenced by their peers. The more distant you are from your children; the greater will be the influence of their friends.
  • Connect with your children at an emotionally, experientially, and spiritually. Get to know their dreams, their fears, and their ambitions. Share your vulnerability to them. Do fun things together, and date your children.
  • Be aware of any wounded spirit in your children and take the initiative to reach out to them. Ask them three important questions – “how can I improve?”, “how have I hurt you?”, and “will you forgive me?”. As they share, do not react, justify, or give excuses, just listen.



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The Principle of Affirmation: Positive words impact us positively. Negative words impact us negatively
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. - Ephesians 4:29
Chapter Highlights

Affirmation encourages, uplifts, and inspires. It confirms something to be true and declares something positive about somebody.

  • Affirming your children motivates them towards positive change to reach their God-given potential.
  • Increase your positive words of affirmation and reduce negative words of correction.
  • Affirm your child’s uniqueness and don’t compare your child with others.
  • Develop a detective’s eyes to see positive traits in your children. When you see these traits, be intentional to affirm them.
  • Be affectionate to your children verbally and physically. Be an encourager.



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The Principle of Entrust: Only God Can Change Our Child’s Heart
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. - Ezekiel 36:26
Chapter Highlights

Proper intentional training results in transformation.

  • The greatest need of your children is to have a personal love relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
  • Entrust your children to God through prayer and His Word. Only God can transform the heart of your children. Help connect them to God.
  • Teach them why we believe in God and the Bible – there are evidences that prove the trustworthiness and reliability of the Bible.
  • Teach your children a biblical high view of God because what they think about God is the most important thing about them. A high view of God will help your children trust Him specially in times of crisis.
  • Your major role is to live out your life before God in such a way as to not be a stumbling block for your children to love and serve Him.
